An up-to-date and working Legendary Apex Legends Hack script for the game Apex Legends. Legendary Apex Hack is an universal solution for many players, with this simple script you could use a lot of features in the Apex Legends game and thereby you will shoot much more accurately from any type of weapon.There are a lot of excellent scripts which the hack includes, have a fun with cheating guys!
This Legendary Apex Legends Hack is for 1920 x 1080 resolution only.
- (Will support other resolution in future)
- Random mouse freeze ( Rarely happen )
- Recoil pattern so weird because I copy paste from many source. (ฺ Will fix that in future )
- Auto weapons detection is not accurate. ( Still working on it )
- Updated pattern still not perfect.
- Turbocharge weapon seem weird.
- Download & Extract "Legendary Apex Hack.rar"
- Open the injector and inject those files in the game
- Run the scripts (autohotkey)
- Have fun in game!
- Join our discord!
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