How do I use a Cheat Engine Table v7.5?
  • How do I use a Cheat Engine Table v7.5?

    A CT file is a cheat table file created with & Cheat Engine & Software that is used to create modifications to Windows based games for cheating. The Cheat Engine, an open-source cheating engine, examines the executing games and makes a record of its address locations. This information and its overrides are written in the CT file that is then loaded by game players to change game properties such as health score, highest score, and remaining lives.

    Cheat Engine CT File Format

    CT files are saved with address locations and other associated information to be hacked inside a game. In most cases, the files are saved as compressed ZIP archives that can easily be extracted using any standard decompression utility such as WinZIP or 7-Zip.

    Steps to use a table:

    1. Download the table and copy it to CE folder;
    2. Run Cheat Engine;
    3. Run the game;
    4. ALT+TAB and via Cheat Engine choose the game on the process list;
    5. Cheat Engine will ask if you want to load the associated Cheat table. Just click on YES;
    6. If the table is in a different folder, just press Control+O and guide Cheat Engine to that folder. Then select the table (usually processname.ct);
    7. Once the table is loaded, if there is a script, just check it.
    8. ALT+TAB back to the game and have fun.


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